HID - significado y definición. Qué es HID
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Qué (quién) es HID - definición

Hid; HID (disambiguation)

Hid is the past tense of hide
past of hide1.



HID may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para HID
1. hides there.
African Innovation _ Clapperton Chakanetsa Mavhunga _ Talks at Google
2. It hides.
Making Sense of God - An Invitation to the Skeptical _ Tim Keller _ Talks at Google
3. But I hid it.
Photography Fueling Innovation & Growth _ Chris Orwig _ Talks at Google
4. Yeah, I hid it.
Cooking Scrappy _ Joel Gamoran _ Talks at Google
5. And they hid.
Our Untold Stories _ Jennie Magiera _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de HID
1. These death squads hid in schools and they hid in hospitals, hoping to draw fire against Iraqi civilians.
2. Ms Lees claims she hid in the scrub for hours after escaping She said she hid in the scrub for several hours before flagging down a vehicle.
3. They hid relationships between witnesses and the industry, they helped destroy important documents and they often hid their actions behind the attorney–client privilege, she wrote.
4. But behind the scenes, Gielgud hid a dark secret.
5. Swirling water in many areas hid submerged dangers.